A 12-month group program, offering white glove support so you can write your dream book—one that will leave your audience RAVING!
a 12-month course, offering white glove support so you can write your dream book—one that will leave your audience RAVING!

Just click on the "Apply Now" button below to fill out our short application and we will be in touch with you ASAP.
Does any of this sound familiar?

You're committed to impact and excellence as a thought-leader.

You have high professional standards for your content and the delivery of your work in the world. You want your book done right! And you know it is going to take some  time and energy for that to happen.

You desire to leave a legacy. People around you have been asking you to write your book for a while now!

You have achieved a level of success in your life and business where you have people in place to help you—you've got the space and support to write your book and move into the next level of your authority and impact as a CEO and author.

You have always known you were meant to write a book and you desire white-glove service from professionals who know what they're doing!

If any of this resonates for you, you’re in the right place!
Does any of this sound familiar?
⭐️ You're committed to impact and excellence as a thought-leader.

⭐️ You have high professional standards for your content and the delivery of your work in the world. You want your book done right! And you know it is going to take some  time and energy for that to happen.

⭐️ You desire to leave a legacy. People around you have been asking you to write your book for a while now!

⭐️ You have achieved a level of success in your life and business where you have people in place to help you—you've got the space and support to write your book and move into the next level of your authority and impact as a CEO and author.

⭐️ You have always known you were meant to write a book and you desire white-glove service from professionals who know what they're doing!

If any of this resonates for you, you’re in the right place!
Sister, there has never been a better time to write and publish your book!
Even after EONS of suppression and oppression, women’s voices are finally being heard and received like never before… you can now claim a slice of that leadership pie in the sky and share your message GLOBALLY. It’s SO easy for YOU to become an international bestselling author!

With the advent of print-on-demand technology, you no longer have to pre-purchase 1000s of books, store them in your garage, and trek to the post office every day to ship out books!

You're a LEADER—your VOICE and STORY matter.

When you boldly and authentically share your truth, you give other women permission to do the same.
You’ve tried everything to get your book moving forward. You get off to a good start... but it doesn’t stick and you’re more often staring at a blank page.
Your dream book has been on the back burner for what feels like ages!

You lose motivation and then suddenly you realize it’s been weeks since you paid any attention to your book.

You may suffer from imposter syndrome, asking yourself, “Who the heck is going to want to read this, anyway?”

You want to be seen as an authority in your field but you keep comparing yourself when you notice someone else has already published a book on the topic!

You wish someone would just take your hand and hold you in a strong container so you can you write a book that ROCKS and be seen for your potent impact and contribution!

...how you will feel when you’re finally holding your finished, printed book in your hands!

...how you will feel watching YOUR BESTSELLING BOOK's sales numbers escalate and explode!

...how you will feel reading RAVE reviews on Amazon!

You’re tired of procrastinating and are finally ready to write your book, but you’ve got a lot of questions, such as:
⭐️ Where do I even begin?
⭐️ I have SO many ideas, which one should I choose to write about?
⭐️ How do I write an outline?
⭐️ How do I write good non-fiction book?
⭐️ How do I tell a story that people will care about?
⭐️ How do I get my book into the hands of thousands?
⭐️ Who the heck am I to even TRY to be a writer?
⭐️ What are my publishing options?
⭐️ What if my family gets angry when they read my memoir and decides to excommunicate me?

I know, there can be a lot of questions and confusion when you’re writing a book—especially for the first time! If you don’t have a plan to follow, it can be easy to make some critical mistakes, get off track, and never get anywhere. Without guidance, support, and accountability it can be difficult to make any progress at all!

That’s why I’ve created my step by step group program, Divine Writing Journey. 
Divine Writing Journey
Divine Writing Journey is a 12-month group program, offering white glove support so you can write your dream book—one that will leave your audience RAVING!
What's Inside
⭐️ (1) 1-on-1 On-boarding call with Flower of Life Press writing coach, Sage Solis

⭐️ Bi-weekly LIVE group coaching calls with Astara and guest teachers that include trainings, co-writing time, and Q+A

⭐️ Video trainings, templates and resources in the membership area

⭐️ (3) 1-on-1 Milestone calls with Astara (outline, 1st draft, final draft)

⭐️ Weekly recorded critiques of 1,000-word submissions

⭐️ Weekly silent co-writing sessions

⭐️ Monthly office hours with Flower of Life Press writing coach, Sage Solis

⭐️ (3) 2-hr virtual writing retreats

⭐️ Private community for support and sisterhood

⭐️ Professional editing—you will leave with a fully edited manuscript ready for the next phase of your publishing journey. (*this course is NOT for fiction or children's book writers)

⭐️ Receive 12-months for FREE in our private membership program, Divine Writer's Club—includes a monthly Q&A call with Astara, plus a monthly Archetypal Writing Temple with Astara. (value $264)
What Students Are Saying...
"The past six months in Divine Writing Journey have been the most uplifting times of my life. This magnificent container of sisterhood, created by Astara Jane Ashley, has been nothing but pure joy. I am halfway through my spiritual memoir that has taken nine years (!) and absolutely would not have gotten this far without this potent divine feminine container! It is a loving, brilliant process, completely organic from the start, and also extremely organized. Combined with the amazing writer soul sister she will greet on this journey, I can think of no better container where a woman could write a spiritual book. I am filled, just filled with gratitude. There’s alchemy here you can’t underestimate."
—Caryl Englehorn

"Astara is a savvy business magician. I can only tell you that I had been talking about writing a book for decades  (yes, literally!) and now that I'm working with her, it's actually getting done. I've cried, rung my hands, cussed a blue streak and all the while, Astara has held the nerve."
—Kimberly Firewalker

"I'd been 'talking about' writing a book for YEARS. Never getting around to it. Always something else to do. Joining Divine Writer's Journey was the commitment I needed to make to prioritize my writing, and I'm almost done with my first draft manuscript! Astara shares her wealth of knowledge on writing and publishing, and holds space for all the women exquisitely. She's truly a book midwife! I'm so grateful for this program."
—Flora Ware
"I absolutely enjoyed this amazing Divine Writing Journey course and would recommend it to others! The process was well-rounded, balanced, and effective for designing and writing our manuscript, and covered many aspects of writing from setting up our sacred writing space to chakra clearing, healing feminine wounds, and connecting our intuition with our writing voice. Astara brought her wealth of knowledge and years of experience, provided feedback, and taught us key writing skills. The sisterhood that is created in this safe container makes you feel so supported. For me, this program was an answer to my prayers!"
—Jennifer Belanger

"The Divine Writing Journey with Astara has delivered exactly what it promised! I am on track to complete my book BEFORE my target date. The container Astara has created is so deeply supportive, full of inspiration and practical tools that have helped me along the way. And the quality of sisterhood in the circle is an extra bonus. It was just what I needed to birth my book!"
—Rima Bonario

Life BEFORE you write your book:
  • You’re frustrated every time you look at your computer because your book is NOT done—and it's embarrassing because people are asking you for it!

  • You're ashamed to admit that you actually want to be a hugely successful bestselling author.

  • You struggle with procrastinating—your dream book has been on the back burner for ages!

  • You have very high standards for your creations and are tired of trying to do it alone.

  • You’re feeling insecure about sharing your message because of potential judgment from others or bad reviews.

  • You suffer from imposter syndrome, asking yourself, “Who the heck is going to want to read this, anyway?”

  • You want to be seen as an authority in your field but you keep comparing yourself when you notice someone else has published a book on the topic!

Life AFTER you write your book:
  • You’re writing consistently, with plenty of tricks and tools to keep your creative flow open.

  • You’re confident in speaking and sharing your message.

  • You’re receiving rave reviews and getting consistent book sales.

  • You are thrilled that your book is serving others and you love being on the path of your true purpose.

  • Your creativity is OFF the hook—other book ideas are streaming through you just WAITING to be written!

  • Your writing is a devotional practice. Every time you sit down at the keyboard, you are excited to see where it leads you.

  • You are being recognized for your leadership and are seen as an expert in your field. Clients and readers are flocking to you and can't wait for your next book! 

12-Month Program Content + Timeline
Module Content includes:
  • The Journey Begins!
  • The “Write” Mindset—Dispelling the Myth of Writer's Block
  • Structure & Flow - The Inner Union of Writing Success
  • Writing Your First Draft
  • Writer's Voice:  Discover and Cultivate Your Own Unique Style
  • Editing and Refining
  • Crossing the Finish Line with your Final Draft
  • Building Your Author Platform
  • Publishing 101—Everything You Need To Know
  • Market Your Book with Pleasure
  • Selling Books and Strategy for Next Steps
  • and more!
You want to write a book that matters...and you want it done right!
Hi! I'm Astara. Before I founded Flower of Life Press in 2009, I was a Transpersonal Psychotherapist and book designer turned accomplished Creative Director within the realms of a larger international publishing house. This is where my high professional standards and keen intuitive abilities to midwife women's stories and voices were born.

Over the past 20+ years in the course of my professional career, I have published hundreds of bestselling books and authors.

I have been a featured speaker on telesummits, podcasts, and stages such as NYC's Lincoln Center.

As an author advocate, my mission is to uplift the voices of women inside of a strongly-held container of creativity and non-judgment.

My team and I now spend our days supporting writers, like yourself, to birth their stories, market their books, and become bestselling authors who are seen as experts in their field.

Our goal is to preserve the vibration of your unique message and present you to the marketplace in your utmost authenticity.

As a Priestess of the 13 Moon Mystery School, Rosa Mystica Mystery School, and a Spiritual Mentor, I am devoted to supporting you to embody your sovereignty, elevate your consciousness, and breakthrough any internal barriers… to a level of presence, passion, and power you never dreamed possible.

 Exclusive Masterclass Series 
(Value: $997)
Chakra Clearing for Writers With Sage Solis - Learn to forgive and let go of guilt, judgment, blame and shame, building on the vibration of your eternal soul and connection to the divine power of Love!

Intuitive Writing With Aurora Farber - Discover how intuition is connected to your Soul Voice and how the 4 intuitive channels can help you open to receive your own wisdom.

Seven Sacred Oils Ceremony: The Ancient Egyptian Secret to Luscious Living With Dr. Rima Bonario - Dr. Rima Bonario will take you on a journey to learn about and unlock the mysterious power your KA Body (energy body) using the highest vibration essential oils imported from Egypt.

Witch Wound Healing With Flora Ware - Go through this guided meditation and writing prompts to access and heal your 'Witch wound' and subconscious fears of persecution.
Enroll before June 7, 2023 to also receive...
 The Author Online Presence Toolkit 
(Value: $997)
In today's world, having an online presence is crucial to your success as a published author! This toolkit comes with strategy, swipe copy, and templates that you can use to grow your audience online.
You’ll get incredible support, community, and accountability
This is a premier group coaching program with tons of white glove support and accountability.

To be clear, this is not a 1-on-1 coaching program. You’ll have access to a community of your classmates, access to Astara and teachers during LIVE coaching calls and writing retreats, access to writing coach Sage Solis during office hours, as well as (3) 1-on-1 milestone calls with Astara when you submit your outline, first draft, and final draft. 
What Students are Saying...
"Not only did this Portal offer a space to share openly and authentically with other fellow sisters, it also offered many practical tools for unleashing the hidden story I have been wanting to tell for over a decade. I now know how to plan and layout the bigger vision into bite-sized portions; easing the stretch that comes with taking on such a life-enhancing task. This portal also helped to cement a lasting growing faith in my intuition and wisdom as a writer."
"I cannot say enough about my experience in Divine Writing Journey. It has been an incredibly sacred container, full of committed writers and knowledgable and dedicated instructors. I will take this program again and recommend it to my friends...amazing experience!"
—Mari Dreamwalker 
"Being a part of Divine Writing Journey has been one of the most exciting and enriching experiences of my life. During these past six months, my own growth has rocketed far beyond my wildest imagination. I've discovered things about myself and my ability as a writer and creator that I never knew. I found that I am a writer. And this is the single most valuable treasure that I have uncovered during this time with the DWJ program. I am deeply grateful to Astara and the Divine Writers Journey team for this immensely Powerful opportunity."
You can do the course from home, from anywhere in the world, and on your schedule.
You can complete the course lessons from the comfort of your couch or kitchen table, as long as you have an Internet connection!

Our private course portal houses all of the content, tools, templates, and resources you need—and you can access it from anywhere. You'll never miss a beat: you can go at your own pace and do the lessons on your schedule or follow our milestone guidelines to meet your outline, first draft, and final manuscript dates to get complete professional edits for your book! 
How long will it take to write my book?
The honest answer is, it depends on you and your current situation. Most of our students are able to complete their book by the end of month 9.

Others might take a few extra months to complete it. There is no rush and no right or wrong amount of time, however, if you meet your milestone dates, you will leave with a fully edited manuscript ready for the next steps on your publishing journey.

We recommend you set aside 10-14 hours per week to go through the program and implement the assignments.

There has never been a better time to start writing your book. 
Why enroll today, rather than waiting? 

So many of us are now working from home and have more time flexibility.

Or maybe during Covid you’ve learned a new skillset, or you’ve stepped out from corporate and want to build your own business.

Perhaps you are already an authority in your field and have always wanted to write and desire to sell a book from your LIVE or virtual events!

Starting now will allow you to:
  • Complete your book this year!
  • Take a quantum leap to embrace your identity as an author and thought-leader.
  • Finally receive the accolades you deserve! 

You’ll be serving the people who need your message NOW, when they really need your help.

If you wait, you’ll likely be in the same place you are now—still stuck in indecision and procrastination—plus missing out on all those potential sales and new opportunities!

Six months from now, you’ll wish you had started today!

Who is Divine Writing Journey For?
This is for you if:
⭐️ You have been dreaming of writing a non-fiction book but you don’t know where to start.

⭐️You want to write non-fiction, memoir, or poetry inside the support of a potent community of other writers.

⭐️You struggle with procrastinating—your dream book has been on the back burner for ages!

⭐️You’re feeling insecure about sharing your message because of potential judgment from others or bad reviews.

⭐️You’re dreaming of being the next bestselling author on Oprah's couch—but secretly you're ashamed to admit it. 

⭐️You have very high standards for your creations and are tired of trying to do it alone.

⭐️You're ready to do a TED TALK or be a keynote speaker and sell your book from the back of the room.

⭐️You suffer from imposter syndrome, asking yourself, “Who the heck is going to want to read this, anyway?”

⭐️You’re frustrated every time you look at your computer because your book is NOT done—and it's embarrassing because people are asking you for it!

Your 12-Month Road Map
inside Divine Writing Journey
What More Participants Are Saying...
 Imagine how you will feel... 
...when you are FINALLY holding your book in your hands, the positive reviews are rolling in to your Amazon book page, your friends, family, and colleagues are LOVING it, and your clients are integrating and transforming right before your eyes!

Can you feel the powerful impact that your words will have on your readers?

Why would you wait? 
You’ve got two choices here…

#1  You can keep trying to figure this all out yourself and continue to delay writing your book...
#2  You can enroll into Divine Writing Journey, receive white glove support as you write your book using our step by step method, and see your dream book come to life!
 You can do this even if you… 
...Don’t have enough time.
In Divine Writing Journey, we’ll look at your unique writing rhythm and peak writing times and craft a writing schedule that fits into your busy day. We’ll also help you to balance your creative flow time with your structured, organizational time so you can master your time.

...Don’t know where to begin. 
You’ll receive step-by-step instructions and guidance through each milestone to ensure you have the clarity for each next step so you can bring your chosen book idea to life.

...Aren't sure you should invest in your book at this time. 
We understand it’s an investment! And it’s our company policy to NEVER put anyone in undue financial strain, so if it’s not feasible right now we completely understand and we look forward to working with you in the future when the timing is right!

We do, however, have a super accessible monthly payment plan to make it easy to fit into your budget.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I am afraid that I won’t ever complete my first draft?

You are not alone! With our group coaching and with all of the resources in the modules, you will reach your goal faster than if you were doing it alone without the structure, access to teachers, coaching, tools and much more!

What type of 1-on-1 support will I get?

This is a high-level group coaching program and does not offer 1-on-1 support other than (1) 1-on-1 on-boarding call and (3) 1-on-1 milestone calls with Astara upon submission of your outline, 1st draft, and final draft. We find that our authors get much greater results when writing inside of a potent community of sisterhood and support and can get all of their unique needs met and questions answered in the format we’ve created for you. *You may add-on additional 1-on-1 coaching with Astara or a Flower of Life Press writing coach if desired for an additional investment.
Will someone be reviewing my manuscript? 

You will be able to submit up to 1000 words every week, to be reviewed by one of our coaches where you’ll receive recorded feedback. Once you hit your first draft milestone, we will not only review your manuscript, we will completely edit it!

What happens if I don’t meet my milestones? 

We have tools in place to support you in catching up if you fall behind schedule, including (3) 2-hr writing retreats, weekly co-writing sessions, and weekly office hours with a coach.

When are the LIVE trainings? What if I can’t make it to all the live calls?

All the calls will be recorded and available via the membership portal.
What if a major life event happens and I can’t complete my manuscript in 12 months?

This program offers support and all the tools you need to move forward. If you can’t reach your goals for any reason in the 12-month timeframe, you will have the option to renew.

What if I am a children's book writer?

This course is for non-fiction, memoir, and poetry. If you are a children's book author, this is not the right program for you.

What if I am a fiction writer?

This course is for non-fiction, memoir, and poetry. If you are a fiction writer, this is not the right program for you.
Hi I’m Astara and I’m obsessed with sharing women’s stories and voices!

As a publisher of women’s books with a background as a psychotherapist, I am committed to doing whatever it takes for my authors to get through any blocks to embrace their next level of leadership as a published author and thought-leader.

Over time I realized that I desired a new frequency so I could fulfill my destiny of sharing 1 million women’s voices.

That’s why I created this course.

I believe that every women’s voice and story matters, and with the “write” mindset and guidance, you can write your dream book and share your wisdom with those who need it.

I’m excited to see what you write in the course!

What Students Are Saying...
"The Divine Writing Journey with Astara has delivered exactly what it promised! I am on track to complete my book BEFORE my target date. The container Astara has created is so deeply supportive, full of inspiration and practical tools that have helped me along the way. And the quality of sisterhood in the circle is an extra bonus. It was just what I needed to birth my book!"
—Rima Bonario
"Divine Writing Journey is an amazing program that helped me clear my head when it came to my writing. The techniques for planning out a story helped me overcome writer's block and get me back on track. 100% recommend!"
Have questions about Divine Writing Journey?

Drop us a line, we’re here to help!
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